In the parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30, Lk. 19), the Lord of the house gave talents to his Servants according to their different abilities – strength and intellect; to one he gave five talents, to another two talents and to yet another one talent. However, while the servants with five and two talents were busy investing and profiting from their talents, the man with one talent was earnestly imitating those who had none.
In the record of Luke chapter 19, the Master charged the servants to “occupy” till he comes, after giving them the talents. Has it ever occurred to you dear, that they could have been more people in the Master’s life than the three servants in question, however not “everyone” got a talent. Sadly also, ‘Mr. One talent’ chose to live like the people who did not receive anything from the Lord of the house; sitting at ease in Zion while his talent wasted in the ground. He was angry at his Master for giving his neighbours more talents than himself, instead of realizing how much easier it is to profit with less responsibilities than it is with plenty.
The lesson is; if we focus on what we have instead of comparing ourselves with others, we are sure to succeed in life. You may not be a ‘Jack of all trade’ but you can the ‘Master of one’ or some. That comes when you FOCUS and you are DELIGENT in ‘whatever your hand findeth to do’. You surely have a talent-skill, ability in something. It could be in music, acting, mechanics, electrical repairs, scholarly pursuits, leadership, and interpersonal skills etc, all you need to do is to put your heart to it and someday success will come knocking on your door.