Showing posts with label compassionate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compassionate. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 March 2024



Do you know that gifted people have unique psychological problems? As someone who is enthusiastic about clinical psychologist, I work with many gifted people, many of whom do not believe they are gifted, but they still have the psychological issues that are common to people in this population.

Having studied about the psychological issues that gifted people are more likely to have, I think there is a need to educate people around this topic, just in case you fall into this group or know other who are and are struggling with these problems. Studies have shown that these issues are directly related to the personality structures that gifted people tend to have that are necessarily a function of their Intelligence Quotient (IQ).  A good reference material on this subject matter is a study by Francis Heylighen titled as the same as this article.

Gifted people often have the tendency to question authority.

They ask embarrassing questions because they want to know the details they should not ask about.

And they are non-conforming. This can lead to sense of alienation. Feeling out of step with others.

This coupled with the tendency to have unusual ideas and thinking about things from multiple and different angles that people do not typically go into can lead to social isolation.

But, gifted people also tend to be highly sensitive, empathic and highly compassionate.

They can also have really strong moral convictions and be a seeker of an ultimate truth.

Now imagine having that set of characteristic and not actually realizing that everyone does not share the same attributes as you do. And when you do, you feel lost.

 By Dr. Joey


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