Thursday 28 March 2024



Do you know that gifted people have unique psychological problems? As someone who is enthusiastic about clinical psychologist, I work with many gifted people, many of whom do not believe they are gifted, but they still have the psychological issues that are common to people in this population.

Having studied about the psychological issues that gifted people are more likely to have, I think there is a need to educate people around this topic, just in case you fall into this group or know other who are and are struggling with these problems. Studies have shown that these issues are directly related to the personality structures that gifted people tend to have that are necessarily a function of their Intelligence Quotient (IQ).  A good reference material on this subject matter is a study by Francis Heylighen titled as the same as this article.

Gifted people often have the tendency to question authority.

They ask embarrassing questions because they want to know the details they should not ask about.

And they are non-conforming. This can lead to sense of alienation. Feeling out of step with others.

This coupled with the tendency to have unusual ideas and thinking about things from multiple and different angles that people do not typically go into can lead to social isolation.

But, gifted people also tend to be highly sensitive, empathic and highly compassionate.

They can also have really strong moral convictions and be a seeker of an ultimate truth.

Now imagine having that set of characteristic and not actually realizing that everyone does not share the same attributes as you do. And when you do, you feel lost.

 By Dr. Joey

Wednesday 27 March 2024



In every workplace, there's often a person who is commonly referred to as a "snitch." Sometimes, there may even be two or three individuals who seem to have a knack for gathering information and reporting on the activities of their coworkers. You know those colleagues of yours that are good at taking sides with the “oga” even when the boss is wrong, and the wheels are about to fall off? They are also good at writing minority reports to undermine the rest of the team. Sometimes we call them “rat”, or “sabo” (short for saboteur) in local slang. Aha! They are the ones I am referring to.


These individuals typically portray themselves as outgoing and friendly, making it easy for them to strike up conversations and probe into the personal lives of others. They often ask a multitude of questions, delving into topics like future plans and family matters. However, beneath their friendly façade lies a hidden agenda—they aim to extract sensitive information from their colleagues.

What sets a "snitch" apart is their ability to uncover confidential details and then betray the trust of their coworkers by reporting this information to management or other parties. To safeguard oneself from potential harm, it's crucial to exercise caution when sharing personal information with individuals who exhibit "snitch" behavior or with anyone at all for that matter. Protecting one's privacy can prevent the exploitation of sensitive information.

You also need to understand that a “snitch” does not care about the harm he or she is causing to their subject of target. The multiplier effect of their actions to the emotion, integrity, or career etc. of their target means very little or nothing to them, and they can go any length to achieve their five minutes orgasmic satisfaction from causing pain. The depth of scheming employed is pretty much in the borderline between diabolism and pathology.

The presence of a "snitch" in the workplace can have detrimental effects, leading to an atmosphere of distrust and suspicion among colleagues. Therefore, it's imperative for individual, groups or leaders (in any capacity) to foster an environment where confidentiality and trust are valued, discouraging the prevalence of such behavior. To those who enjoy hearing the dirty secrets of others, remember that “he who tells you about others will one day tell others about you too”.

By recognizing the characteristics and actions associated with a "snitch," individuals can navigate workplace dynamics more effectively, maintaining a sense of trust and confidentiality in their professional interactions.

Saturday 23 March 2024



Pleasure is indeed a natural craving of humans, an intrinsic desire that transcends cultures and epochs. Across the annals of history, from ancient civilizations to the modern era, individuals have sought avenues to satiate this fundamental yearning. Yet, amidst the vast expanse of time, one wonders: has there ever been an age of human existence more enamored with the pursuit of pleasure than our own?

In today's fast-paced world, the modern man is driven by an insatiable appetite for convenience and gratification. From the comfort of our smartphones to the allure of on-demand entertainment, every aspect of our lives seems tailored to cater to our desire for instant pleasure. Technology, with its rapid advancements and ubiquitous presence, serves as the enabler of this hedonistic lifestyle, offering endless distractions and indulgences at our fingertips.

However, beneath the facade of hedonistic bliss lies a stark reality—a society consumed by the relentless pursuit of pleasure risks descending into a state of moral decay and societal disintegration. When pleasure becomes the sole objective of existenc
e, ethical boundaries are blurred, and the pursuit of self-gratification often comes at the expense of others. In the quest for instant gratification, we may overlook the long-term consequences of our actions, forsaking meaningful relationships and neglecting our responsibilities to ourselves and to society.

The potential for disservice inherent in a life dedicated solely to the pursuit of pleasure cannot be overstated. It breeds a culture of superficiality and instant gratification, where genuine human connections are sacrificed at the altar of momentary indulgence. Moreover, the erosion of traditional values and moral principles threatens to undermine the very fabric of society, leading to a loss of purpose and direction among its members.

Amidst the allure of hedonistic pleasures, it is imperative to recognize the importance of balance in life. Just as the seasons alternate between periods of growth and rest, so too must we strive for equilibrium between work and
leisure. Rest and recreation are essential components of a fulfilling existence, providing the necessary respite to rejuvenate our minds and bodies. However, they must be complemented by diligence and perseverance in the pursuit of meaningful goals and aspirations.

While the allure of hedonistic pleasures may be irresistible, we must exercise caution in indulging our desires. A life consumed by hedonism risks robbing us of our humanity, reducing us to mere slaves of our impulses. Instead, let us strive for a balanced lifestyle that embraces both pleasure and hard work, recognizing that true fulfillment lies not in the pursuit of momentary pleasures, but in the cultivation of enduring virtues and meaningful experiences. After all, as the proverb goes, "Rest and pleasure are sweet after labor."


 I find it humorously convenient how we all often acquiesce to the decisions of people we consider significant in our lives. The list could include parents, friends, mentors, teachers, leaders—whether religious or secular. However, one disturbing fact is that more often than not, the only reason we support those decisions is sentiment, not because of the merits therein. The same can be said to describe the reasons for our political affiliations, religious memberships, ethnic, and secular associations, etc.

Think about it this way; a young adult raised in a conservative household. Despite harboring doubts about certain beliefs and practices, they find themselves conforming to familial expectations out of a sense of duty and loyalty. Similarly, in a politically divided society, individuals may align themselves with a particular ideology simply because it's what their family has always supported, rather than critically evaluating its principles and policies.

You see, where sentiment thrives, ignorance rules supreme. Ignorance, the perilous foundation upon which so many societal misconceptions and injustices are built, thrives in the shadows of uninformed decisions. It blinds us to the complexity of issues, narrows our perspectives, and fuels prejudice and division. It's a formidable adversary, for it perpetuates itself through generations, shackling minds and impeding progress.

Imagine a community where rumors and hearsay dictate public opinion, where fear and mistrust reign due to a lack of accurate information. In such an environment, misinformation spreads like wildfire,
leading to misguided beliefs and harmful actions. Ignorance becomes a breeding ground for discrimination, intolerance, and injustice, perpetuating cycles of poverty, violence, and despair.

Therefore, it becomes imperative to confront and challenge ignorance, to unveil its cloak of deception and expose the truths it conceals. This entails a conscious effort to seek knowledge, to question assumptions, and to embrace a mindset of lifelong learning. By arming ourselves with information and understanding, we dismantle the barriers that ignorance erects and pave the way for enlightenment and progress.

Consider the transformative power of education in breaking the cycle of poverty. By providing access to quality schooling and empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge to thrive, persons and communities can uplift themselves from economic hardship and create a better future for generations to come. Moreover, initiatives aimed at promoting media literacy and critical thinking equip people with the tools to discern fact from fiction in an age of information overload.

In essence, what we truly need is a time to kill ignorance—a time to dismantle the walls it constructs around us and liberate ourselves from its grasp. This necessitates a proactive pursuit of education and enlightenment, both individually and collectively. It requires us to challenge ingrained biases, to confront uncomfortable truths, and to embrace the transformative power of knowledge.

It underscores the importance of personal growth in all aspects of life. Growth isn't just about acquiring skills or accumulating wealth; it's about expanding our minds, refining our perspectives, and nurturing empathy and understanding. It's a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, one that empowers us to navigate the complexities of the world with wisdom and compassion.

As we reflect on the timeless wisdom encapsulated in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 3; “A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; let us recognize that there is indeed a time to kill—not in the sense of destruction or violence, but in the eradication of ignorance and the cultivation of knowledge. It's a time to embrace enlightenment, to strive for personal growth, and to forge a brighter future for generations to come. I think this is the best time to do that.

Sunday 8 October 2023

Balancing Act: Navigating Mental Health in the Digital Age


In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, where every click, like, and share carries the potential to shape our lives, it's no wonder that the topic of mental health has come to the forefront. As our online and offline worlds become increasingly intertwined, we find ourselves grappling with the impact of technology on our well-being. This is a short attempt to explain the complexities of mental health in the digital age, exploring both the perils and the promises it holds.

The Digital Dilemma

The rise of smartphones and social media platforms has brought us closer together, yet paradoxically, it has also contributed to feelings of isolation and anxiety. According to a study by the Royal Society for Public Health, heavy use of social media is associated with increased rates of depression, anxiety, and poor sleep quality. The constant comparison to curated online personas can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

 Renowned psychologist Jean Twenge, in her book "iGen," has explored how the smartphone generation's mental health is distinctly shaped by their digital experiences. She notes the correlation between the steep rise in smartphone usage and the increase in feelings of loneliness and depression among adolescents.

The Power of Connection

But it's not all doom and gloom. Technology also provides valuable tools for maintaining and improving mental health. Mental health apps, teletherapy platforms, and online support communities have democratized access to mental health resources. These digital tools offer convenience, affordability, and anonymity, making it easier for individuals to seek help and connect with others who share their experiences. 

Writer Johann Hari, in his book "Lost Connections," investigates the root causes of depression and anxiety and argues that meaningful social connections are crucial for our mental well-being. In the digital age, forging connections can be facilitated by online communities and support networks. These spaces provide solace and understanding to individuals facing similar challenges.

Striking a Balance

 So, how can we strike a balance between the digital world and our mental health? Here are some strategies:

 a.    Mindful Consumption: Be conscious of your screen time and the content you consume. Unfollow accounts that make you feel inadequate or anxious, and set boundaries on when and where you use your devices.

b.    Digital Detox: Consider periodic digital detoxes where you disconnect from screens to reconnect with the physical world and yourself. Take this time to engage in offline hobbies and activities.

 c.    Mental Health Apps: Explore mental health apps that offer meditation, mindfulness, or mood tracking features. These tools can help you better understand and manage your emotional well-being.

 d.    Seek Professional Help: If you're struggling with your mental health, don't hesitate to seek the guidance of a mental health professional. There is no shame in walking into the clinic and seek the attention of a medical doctor with mental health training or a Psychologist. Many therapists now even offer online counseling services. Talk to someone with the training to help.

e.    Community Support: Join groups, communities or forums focused on mental health. Sharing your experiences and hearing from others can provide valuable support and understanding.  

 f.      Seek and build human relationship: Though social media platforms have granted us the ability to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances more easily than ever before. But as we accumulate online friends and followers, we often find ourselves questioning the depth of these connections. The constant barrage of status updates, likes, and emojis can leave us feeling oddly disconnected from the people we're supposedly "connected" to. And because digital interactions often lack the depth and authenticity of face-to-face conversations, seek and build sincere human relationships, instead of spending too much time online.

The digital age is a double-edged sword when it comes to mental health. It can both exacerbate and alleviate mental health issues. To navigate this era successfully, we must be conscious of our digital consumption, harness the power of technology for our benefit, and prioritize our mental well-being. As we continue to shape our relationship with technology, let's remember that our mental health is the most precious asset we have, deserving of our care and attention in this brave new yet tumultuous digital world.

Embracing the Journey: A Manifesto for Lifelong Learning

  Entwined within the labyrinth of existence, I am but a humble thread, weaving my way through the intricacies of existence. I do not claim ...